The Inspiration behind Phytorite

The Inspiration behind Phytorite

October 01, 2018

Phytorite Founder

Charlie Stivers

I love hemp! You know, marijuana’s sober sister. The stuff that doesn’t get you high.….and you should too.

Part of why I like hemp is because I have a green thumb—I grew up on a farm growing vegetables and raising animals.

I have always had plants at home since I was a kid. One of my favorite plants is cactus. I think that is why I like going down to Arizona. It’s so cool to see beautiful, giant cactus on the side of the road the size of trees. It’s like a roadrunner cartoon.

I remember having an aloe plant as a kid and learning the first time how its sap was healing medicine.

Then I remember how aloe started popping up in all the health and beauty products.

So guess what the new aloe plant is….? HEMP  

Now we have hemp and medicinal marijuana popping up on farms and in some basements all across America.  Now in over 50% of the states, it’s like Skittles, you can get it the store.

How will you educate yourself on how CBD oil can help you and your family get healthy?

How will your portfolio be positioned to take advantage of the green rush and cannabis stocks?

What will be your first experience in beginning your own journey with taking CBD as a health supplement?

For many of us, it takes our own results and experience for us to become a true believer of the miraculous power of CBD.

Phytorite is here to be a resource for you when it comes to your wellness questions. You should also talk to your doctor about using cannabis or hemp as an alternative to harsh prescription drugs.

Be well!

Charlie Stivers - Phytorite Founder

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