That's right, people. Anandamide is a cannabinoid that is naturally produced by our body’s system. It is also known as the ”bliss molecule” or “the human THC”. To get super science-y on you, a derivative of arachidonic acid that occurs naturally in the brain and in some foods (such as chocolate). Discovered in 1992, and that binds to the same brain receptors as the cannabinoids(such as THC) derived from cannabis It was discovered in 1992 and as an endocannabinoid, it binds together with CB1 and CB2 receptors in the endocannabinoid system.
But how does it give benefit in the body? And how does it work with CBD?
The functions and the whatnots of Anandamide
The name of Anandamide came from the Sanskrit word ānanda, which means happiness or bliss. It is linked to the term endogenous because as mentioned above, Anandamide is naturally manufactured in the body - unlike CBD and THC which come from the cannabis plant.
Similar to endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine, Anandamide is also a kind of neurotransmitter in the body. As it is noted as the “blissful molecule”, Anandamide is a powerful antidepressant - inducing blissful feelings. As a natural mood enhancer, Anandamide can be found in the cacao plant - so, obviously chocolates contain Anandamide - which is why it makes us feel better at times.
Anandamide also helps in reducing pain sensitivity. It is also linked to appetite stimulation. The neurotransmitter appears to also affect the immune system, together with another neurotransmitter and endocannabinoid called 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). Both of these endocannabinoid influence the immune system to cease hyperactivity and uncontrolled inflammation.
What is Cannabidiol (CBD) and how does it work?
CBD is one of the major phytocannabinoids (up to 40% of the cannabis extract) that came from the cannabis sativa in the Hemp classification. People usually misunderstand the functions and effects of CBD in the body. Since it came from the marijuana plant, people think it has the hallucinogenic effects or the mind-altering effect in the user. But it is important to know that CBD is only one of the components of the plant and THC is another one. THC-rich marijuana is the one responsible for the “high” feeling in the user - which gives obvious effects in the person such as hallucinations, anxiety, and paranoia, to name a few.
To clear things out, CBD is not psychotropic - which simply means it does not give “high” feelings or any psychological distortions in the mind. CBD actually gives out a deep sense of relaxation and calmness of mind and body. This is why CBD is considered as one of the remedies to a number of illnesses and diseases, including cancer.
Similarities and differences between Anandamide and THC
According to Raphael Mechoulam, an Israeli researcher, Anandamide is the endogenous analogue of THC in the body. Both the THC and Anandamide are chemicals that binds to a receptor and activates the receptor to produce a biological response. The THC and Anandamide are simply called agonists of the CB1 receptor in the endocannabinoid system.
However, THC is much more potent than the Anandamide. It will take longer for the THC to be degraded and it also has strong psychoactive effects and mood boosts which leads to anxiety and paranoia. Anandamide, on the other hand, is an endogenous painkiller - and THC amplifies this therapeutic effect of Anandamide in the body.
Benefits of Anandamide and CBD in the body
It is still unknown how Anandamide is manufactured and released in the body. Anandamide and 2-AG activates the CB1 and CB2 receptors. It is known that CB1 receptors are linked to the effects of THC in the body. The stimulation regulates stress, pain, emotions and energy. Unlike THC, CBD has low structure resemblance to both CB1 and CB2 receptors. If THC activates the 2 receptors, CBD blocks or decreases the receptors’ chemical responses.
According to some studies, Anandamide and other endocannabinoids in the endocannabinoid system play a vital role in curing cancer. The study suggests that Anandamide can be a new way to treat malignant diseases.
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