Our Story:
Like many of you I woke up unrested, feeling achy and in pain. I hit my 40's and my feet and ankles were in pain from years of working on the farm and being an athlete. My girlfriend's sudden outbursts of discomfort would startle me because of early onset of hot flashes - her 16 year old Beagle could barely make it up the stairs. Maybe you can relate to some of these tough health issues we deal with in life?
My catalyst to find answers began by waking up one morning and my fingers were swollen, stiff, and painful. Yikes!! I thought could this be the beginning of arthritis?
I began my search of natural remedies like I always have been open to, and I found cannabis as a treatment for all kinds of ailments including inflammatory illnesses like arthritis. I could not medicate with medical marijuana because I prefer to stay sharp mentally. Then I discovered how CBD was non-psychoactive and does not get you high. CBD is the wellness compound found in cannabis; THC is what gets you high. Wow! You can get healthy without getting high!!
I went to a friend in Colorado who sold CBD oil and bought a CBD tincture.
I took some drops in the morning and at night. For me, it worked!! No stiffness in my fingers the next morning; a lot less pain and soreness in my knees and ankles.
I thought could this work on Maggie the Beagle? Sure enough it worked for her too - she bounced right up the steps like she used to and 2 years later Maggie still had pep in her step again. We joke that she seems like she will live forever. She lived to almost 19. That's how noticeable and effective it is for some people, children and pets. When it comes to pain - our body, our kids and pets cannot lie.
The story continues for us. We know it will for you, too. We would love to connect with you and hear your story.
We invite you to discover how CBD and other plants could help give you your quality of life back.
Please share - your story, your feedback, your interaction and questions. We want to build this into a community of stories that people can relate to and find answers. Share this with someone you care about if you find something of value here.
Charlie Stivers and Mia Voss
P.S. Our hope is this website and the stories shared are to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient and his/her physician, and the information herein is not intended to replace the services of a physician.
The statements, patient stories, and testimonials are their own results and shouldn't be considered medical advice and shouldn't replace a consultation with a health care professional. If you have medically-related questions regarding your health, please contact your medical professional or physician. The products and information found on our website are not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease. Phytorite and its officers recommend whenever possible that a licensed local healthcare professional be consulted.
Aim High Holdings, LLC dba PhytoRite
6105 S. Main St. #200
Aurora, CO 80016