Getting Started with Hemp

If you are taking prescription medications, need help for a specific disease, or are pregnant, please consult your physician before taking CBD Oil

Every BODY is different!

Your own personal journey with hemp supplements is different from everyone else. We designed this simple tool to help you be successful in getting the relief you want and maintaining optimal wellness.

The information provided is merely a guideline/starting point for your experience. Here are a few ways to find the right amount for YOU.

  • Start with the lowest serving recommended for your weight & health condition (see chart below)
  • We recommend splitting your daily serving size in half and taking it twice a day - 1/2 in the morning and the other 1/2 in the late afternoon.
  • Stay on a particular dose for several days in a row so that you can clearly see how you feel and what results that particular dose is giving you until you decide to adjust it. 
  • Gradually adjust your dose until you obtain the best results.
  • When adjusting your serving, make very small changes, taking one step at a time toward reaching the ideal dose. .25ml increments would be ideal.

Once you've determined the right amount, the chart below will give you an idea of how much oil to take with each of our formulas:

How much is in each dropper? Depends on the formula:

Remember: Consistency is key to your success with wellness and pain relief.  



Here are Suggested Usage amounts for pets (you can also use the weight & pain level chart above as well):


Here's to your health. 

Please email us at with any questions.
We are here to help!

Click HERE for additional information on CBD.