CBD and Pain Relief

CBD and Pain Relief

July 31, 2018

Can we tell you a secret? Most of us are in pain. We are just not talking about it.

The statistics say that over 50% of adults have suffered pain in the past 3 months and approximately 25% of people over 20 years old have experienced pain lasting at least 24 hours. Those are some frightening & staggering statistics.

Over the past year, we here at Phytorite have talked with so many of our customers as well as caregivers in our community and have found that the number one reason for using cannabis as a treatment plan is for pain.

Common Pain Issues

What do you suffer from physically? Back pain, arthritis, digestive issues, and migraines? Living in pain is not normal, but there is hope. The real problem is that most of us suffer from inflammation. It’s so much more prevalent than we realize. Inflammation affects all of us differently - for some it can ultimately lead to chronic disease or even cancer.


Here’s another common malady that no one talks about: anxiety.

According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness, affecting 40 million adults the United States alone.

From our undocumented we easily rank anxiety as a top 5 ailment that people want help with, especially among millenials. Yes, it works for anxiety, too. Patients in there 20’s and 30’s know getting stuck on Adderall and anti-anxiety meds leads to more problems.

One possible solution for all these things that are plaguing us: CBD

What IS CBD?

What IS that exactly? It’s the non-psychoactive, pain-relieving compound found in cannabis, more abundantly in hemp. According to Project CBD:

“Cannabidiol—CBD—is a cannabis compound that has significant medical benefits, but does not make people feel “stoned” and can actually counteract the psychoactivity of THC. The fact that CBD-rich cannabis is non-psychoactive or less psychoactive than THC-dominant strains makes it an appealing option for patients looking for relief from inflammation, pain, anxiety, psychosis, seizures, spasms, and other conditions without disconcerting feelings of lethargy or dysphoria.”

“Scientific and clinical research—much of it sponsored by the US government—underscores CBD’s potential as a treatment for a wide range of conditions, including arthritis, diabetes, alcoholism, MS, chronic pain, schizophrenia, PTSD, depression, antibiotic-resistant infections, epilepsy, and other neurological disorders. CBD has demonstrable neuroprotective and neurogenic effects “

The counterintuitive fact of this movement is the US government holds patents on cannabinoids as an anti-oxidant and a neuroprotectant. If you search “patent number 6630507” on Google, you will be taken aback.

What does that mean legally?

People who produce, sell, and use CBD hemp oil for therapeutic purposes are doing so legally. When CBD oil is derived from hemp, it is legal in all 50 states, given the proper permissions. Although some medical marijuana companies are selling CBD oil derived from marijuana plants, the truth is that marijuana remains a Schedule 1 drug with no legitimate medical use, at least according to the Drug Enforcement Agency.

Technically speaking, the federal government continues to classify marijuana, even the medical variety, as a Schedule I substance. But, that classification doesn’t necessarily cover any derived hemp products like CBD oil.

It also hasn’t stopped approximately 30 states from modernizing the legal status of the plant within their state borders. Some have gone the route of full-blown legalization for both recreational and medicinal use; others attempted to confirm the legality of hemp-derived CBD oil. 

Bottom line…CBD could help your body put itself back into balance naturally and extinguish that internal fire that causes pain. One morning you might wake up (as I did soon after taking CBD Oil) and discover it doesn’t hurt to get out of bed. Another benefit I love is that I sleep so much better and feel more rested.

Here’s a question you need to ask yourself: “How do I feel when I wake up in the morning?”

Can you imagine no longer waking up every morning feeling anxious or in pain??

CBD and Pets

How are your pets feeling? My girlfriends’ beagle had her last few years of life greatly improved and she lived to almost 18. When she first started giving her the oil, the dog could barely make it up the stairs. We gave her 8 drops in the morning and at night and she had amazing pep in her step for much longer than we ever thought. We now have a rescue French bulldog who was in such bad shape from constant puppy mill breeding when we adopted her. She’s now happy, healthy and calm.

The stories we love the most are those of children whose lives have improved greatly with CBD. Kids with chronic seizures who lives are changed for the better because of a plants’ medicinal benefits.

When it comes to pain and health - Our kids and our pets don’t lie, right!?

Now that you have all that information, imagine what CBD can do for you, your children, your pets, parents or friends.


We would love to hear from you - reach out with any questions or feedback about CBD!  Contact@phytorite.com

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As always, please consult your physician if you are taking any type of prescribed medication.






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